
The Underpinings of HR


I recently had the pleasure to attend a course in HR career development (HR Career Accelerator) lead by the fantastic team ...

Recharging - Rest Breaks


The festive holidays are as good as any reminder that rest breaks are vital to our wellbeing, all of them—physical, mental, ...

Working From Home, Going To Mars And The Enterprise Crew


As a child, I spent many of my afternoons watching the popular 90s TV sci-fi series Star Trek: TNG, marvelling and giddying ...

The Future Workplace: The Old Normal


As of writing this article, many western countries are gradually easing lockdown measures created to function as a cushion ...

Obveščenost iskalca zaposlitve o zaposlitvenem razpisu


Pri projektu CV-vizitka bom predstavil, kako bi lahko optimizirali komunikacijo in sledljivost pri neposrednem iskanju ...

The Emergence of Corporate Tribes


Recently I came across a LinkedIn post from a manager asking followers, why some employees regularly change job positions ...

Sledljivost spletnih anket


Anketni vprašalnik je razširjena kvantitativna metoda zbiranja podatkov, ki jo uporabljajo bodisi podjetja za merjenje ...

CV Vizitka


Večina novih zasebnih delovnih mest na trgu dela ni objavljena v širši javnosti. Iskalci zaposlitve jih iščejo na različne ...